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来源:本站 作者:编辑 日期:2020/4/15 15:46:46

人们常说:人生最大的幸福莫过于三件事:有人信你!有人陪你!有人等你!People often say that the greatest happiness in life is three things: someone believes you! Someone's with you! Someone is waiting for you!但我要说:不管有没有人信?不管有没有人陪?不管有没有人等?人生在世,只有拚搏奋斗的人生,只有无私忘我的人生、只有乐于奉献的人生,才称得上幸福而无憾!!!But I want to say: believe it or not? With or without company? No matter if anyone is waiting? Life in the world, only struggling life, only selfless and selfless life, only willing to contribute life, can be called happiness and no regrets!!!

人生无须过于执着,尽人事安天命而已。选择了,努力了,坚持了,走过了,问心无愧就好,至于结果怎样,其实并不重要。Life does not need to be too persistent. It's all about keeping people safe. It's good to have a clear conscience when you choose, work hard, stick to, go through. As for the result, it doesn't matter.人这一辈子,无非就是个过程,荣华花间露,富贵草上霜,生不带来,死不带去,得意些什么?失意些什么?顺其自然、随遇而安,如行云般自在,像流水般洒脱,才是人生应有的态度。People's life is nothing more than a process, the dew between the flowers of glory, the frost on the rich grass, life does not bring, death does not bring, what are you proud of? What are the frustrations? It's the attitude of life to let nature go, to be at ease as clouds, to be free and easy as water.有时候,人与人之间,会因为经历、背景、阅历、不同文化等而产生误解甚至冲突,心怀善意,努力化解,化解不了,避而远之,就行了。世界有时候是很大的,而胸怀也要宽大一些为好。Sometimes, misunderstandings and even conflicts may occur between people due to their experiences, backgrounds, experiences, different cultures, etc. just keep good intentions, try to resolve them, and avoid them. Sometimes the world is big, and it's better to be broad-minded.专注于那些好的、向上的、积极的、真心关怀自己的,而不是相反的那些。对后者,忽略、遗忘、置之一笑。Focus on the good, the up, the positive, the caring, not the opposite. For the latter, ignore, forget and laugh.

不必把太多人,请进生命里。遇到爱你的人,学会感恩。遇到你爱的人,学会付出;遇到你恨的人,学会原谅。 Don't put too many people into your life. Meet people who love you and learn to be grateful. Meet the people you love, learn to pay; meet the people you hate, learn to forgive. 遇到恨你的人,学会道歉,遇到欣赏你的人,学会笑纳。遇到你欣赏的人,学会赞美;遇到嫉妒你的人,学会低调。遇到你嫉妒的人,学会转化;遇到不懂你的人,学会沟通。遇到你不懂的人,学会理解! Meet people who hate you, learn to apologize, meet people who appreciate you, learn to smile. Meet people you appreciate, learn to praise; meet people who envy you, learn to keep a low profile. Meet people you envy, learn to transform; meet people who don't understand you, learn to communicate. Meet people you don't understand, learn to understand! 人生的幸福,一半要争,一半要随。争,不是与他人,而是与困苦。没有唾手可得的幸福,发愤图强,主动争取才能一步步接近幸福。随,不是随波逐流,而是知止而后安。 The happiness of life, half to fight, half to follow. Struggle is not with others, but with hardship. There is no happiness at your fingertips. You can get closer to happiness step by step by actively striving for it. Follow, not drift with the tide, but know and stop. 能力与条件的限制,很多人事只能随遇而安,随缘而止。争,人生少遗憾;随,知足者常乐。最怕该争时不争,该止时不止,总在纠结中痛苦着。 Because of the limitation of ability and condition, many personnel can only settle down with the circumstances. If you are contented, you will be happy. I'm afraid that when I fight, I won't fight. When I stop, I'm always in agony. 生活不要安排得太满,人生不要设计得太挤。不管做什么,都要给自己留点空间,好让自己可以从容转身。人生,可以痛苦,更要懂得追求快乐。一辈子,只求有一道令自己流连忘返,不离不弃的风景就已足够。 Life should not be too full, life should not be too crowded. No matter what you do, you should leave some space for yourself so that you can turn around calmly. Life, can be painful, but also to understand the pursuit of happiness. In my life, I only want to have a scenery that makes me linger and never leave.

每一颗心,都有一份无法替代的情愫和某一道风景永远关联着。人生,就是一个修炼的过程,何必用这一颗不平的心看待人和事,作践了自己,辜负了岁月。Every heart, there is an irreplaceable feeling and a landscape is always connected. Life is a process of cultivation. Why use this unfair heart to treat people and things, practice yourself, and live up to the years.走过流年的山高水长,总有一处风景,会因为我们而美丽;总有一个笑脸,是为我们而绽放;总有一份遇见,唯美了整个曾经;总会有一个人知你冷暖,懂你悲欢。There is always a scenery that will be beautiful because of us, a smiling face that blooms for us, a meeting that only beautifies the whole past, and a person who knows your warmth and knows your joys and sorrows.所有相遇的千回百转,为的是来到世上,遇到那个懂你的人;所有的过往,都值得我们珍惜;所有的经历,都是一种懂得,懂得,是生命中最美的缘。All the encounters turn back and forth in order to come to the world and meet the person who knows you; all the past is worth our treasure; all the experiences are a kind of understanding, understanding, the most beautiful fate in life.人生最大的幸福莫过于:白天可以有说有笑,晚上还能睡个好觉!The greatest happiness in life is that you can talk and laugh during the day and sleep well at night!
